Category Archives: vegan

Roast tray with hoummmmous

My daughter made this tonight and it was utterly delicious – the photo doesn’t do it justice. Also, the best houmous  I have ever tasted! Serves 2 Houmous 1/2 can of chickpeas 1 heaped teaspoon ground cumin 1 heaped teaspoon … Continue reading

Posted in butternut squash, vegan, vegetarian | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Kick-ass Carrot & Coriander Soup

I like carrot & coriander soup, but I wanted something with a bit more kick to warm me up. This kicks ass. You will need: 1 onion, chopped 1 clove garlic, chopped 1 tsp ground coriander 2 small red chillis … Continue reading

Posted in carrots, soup, vegan, vegetarian | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Beautiful burritos

Me and the children made these tonight. Fantastic. They took it in turns to help me cook and take photos… (photos to follow!) We made veggie ones and steak ones. Both use the sneaky salsa (below) though this time we … Continue reading

Posted in beans, beef, tomatoes, vegan, vegetarian | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Smug and sneaky salsa

I knocked this tasty salsa up mostly from things grown on our allotment (hence the smug bit). Tomatoes A red onion Fat clove of garlic Squeeze of lemon or lime juice pinch of salt Slug of tomato ketchup Slug of … Continue reading

Posted in tomatoes, vegan, vegetarian | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Lentils & Cabbage

Okay, doesn’t sound that appetising, but this went down a treat with a bottle of the excellent ginger-spiced Blandford Fly beer. I didn’t even grumble about the brown rice – it was totally like being back in a cafe in … Continue reading

Posted in cabbage, lentils, vegan, vegetables, vegetarian | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Peasant’s Pot

This has evolved from a recipe on the side of a packet of Marmite stock cubes. I don’t think you can get Marmite stock cubes any more – it probably dawned on people that you could just use ordinary Marmite … Continue reading

Posted in carrots, parsnips, potatoes, root vegetables, turnips, vegan, vegetables, vegetarian | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment