Happiness is warm cola

They were handing out free Mentos at Charing Cross the other week – I couldn’t resist introducing them to some diet cola…

A colleague had tried it with no luck, so perhaps the trick is to do as we did, and warm the cola in a bowl of hot water from the kettle. A smaller nozzle and pin to allow controlled dropping of the Mentos would be good ideas too. I could only get the first Mento to fizz – I added 4 more and nothing much else happened.

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3 Responses to Happiness is warm cola

  1. Jon says:

    Fantastic! I tried this a few times and never managed to get it to work (the Coke just oozed out of the bottle). I was ready to start combatting the Mentos-Coke conspiracy to boost sales on the basis of an experiment which didn’t really work.
    Must be the hot water… will have to try again!

  2. James says:

    Excellent! Looks like very good fun.

    William and Henry are fab – how old are they now?

  3. blogmywiki says:

    William is 5 and Henry will be – omigod – EIGHT in a week or two…

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