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Tag Archives: Raspberry Pi
Another music in a different kitchen
I’ve long wanted some sort of solution for centrally storing and serving music for listening around the house. There are all sorts of commercial products (like Sonos) out there, some eye-wateringly expensive even without any storage, plus numerous open-source projects, … Continue reading
Posted in computers, Linux, music, Raspberry Pi
Tagged music, Raspberry Pi, Rune Audio, Volumio
10 fun things to do with a Raspberry Pi
Got a Raspberry Pi? Not sure what to do with it? Here are some cool things I’ve done with mine to get you thinking: Make an internet radio. This can be so simple it only has 1 button to change … Continue reading
You’ve come a long way, baby
that was then… and this is now… I’ve been setting up Raspberry Pi computers since they came out, but setting up a new one with my daughter yesterday made me realise how very, very far this little computer has come. … Continue reading
Posted in computers, hardware, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Raspbian
Tagged NOOBS, Raspberry Pi, RaspberryPi
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Controlling Raspberry Pi from £29 Nook e-reader
I installed ConnectBot on my rooted £29 Nook e-reader – and I can log into my Raspberry Pi radio from anywhere in the house using ssh. And change the station in the kitchen. Mwa-ha-ha.
Weather forecast on a RaspberryPi printer – now with added Pi
Here’s how I get the weather printed on my RaspberryPi-powered GoFreeRange internet printer every morning at 6AM. Overview I made a GoFreeRange printer using a RaspberryPi instead of an Arduino. I signed up for IFTTT and got it to send … Continue reading
Posted in computers, internet, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Raspbian
Tagged GFR, printer, Raspberry Pi, RaspberryPi, weather