
I bought a cross-cut shredder from Tesco. It stopped working, but they won’t take it back because I can’t find the receipt. I think I must have shredded it.

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2 Responses to Shredded

  1. ditdotdat says:

    Buy another one. Keep the receipt. Take the old one back with the new one’s receipt and get your money back. Simple.

  2. blogmywiki says:

    I did think of that, but couldn’t quite bring myself to do it… but then they did annoy me by refusing to even dispose of it for me (suggesting I throw it in the bin outside the shop) and oddly at one point suggesting they might have taken it back if I’d kept the box. I don’t really see what difference the box makes, or where else I could have bought a Tesco-brand shredder from.

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