I Don’t Even Like the Aphex Twin

SAD BAD DADI’ve had ‘Nannou’ by the Aphex Twin stuck in my head all day.

And I don’t even like the Aphex Twin. I think I heard one of his tracks once and hated it, and I used to snigger when the NME said “Congratulations, Mrs Aphex, it’s a twin!”

The soundtrack album to Morvern Callar changed that. Its plinky, plonky melodic genius closes the film and the album. And it’s wheedled its way into my brain.

I enjoyed the film of Movern Callar, but I’m enjoying the book much more. Reading it makes some of the decisions they made in adapting it seem very odd… I don’t recall Morvern crying at all at the start of the film, but she does in the book. And there are some arresting images in the book that I can’t believe they didn’t want to film – the model village and train set in the loft, the body crashing down on it, a man drinking whisky from the gullet of a fish… and why is Morvern English in the film? Why?!

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