Don’t forget to be awesome!

Photo on 2010-03-03 at 20.05 Photo on 2010-03-03 at 20.06

I forgot to put my book in my bag today, and so bought a new copy of Before I Die by Jenny Downham in Waterstones on my way in to work.

Inside it there was a handmade, hand-written Valentines card – four felt red hearts and the inscription “to you, Happy Valentines Day, Don’t Forget To Be Awesome! Lots of love!”. Which was a bit odd. How did it get there? Does every copy of this book have this card in? Which teenage girl am I depriving of her card? And how much trouble could this have caused?

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2 Responses to Don’t forget to be awesome!

  1. James says:

    I wish stuff like that would happen to me.

  2. blogmywiki says:

    It was certainly a nicer find than this note my mum found in a secondhand book.

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